Your iron is a key tool for smooth, crisp fabrics, whether you're quilting or just keeping your clothes wrinkle-free. To ensure it stays in top condition, it's important to clean and maintain it regularly. Here are some tips to help you keep your iron in tip-top shape.

Prevention is Key

The easiest way to keep your iron clean is to prevent it from getting dirty in the first place. Here are a few preventative measures to reduce build-up and wear:

  1. Use distilled or bottled water – Avoid tap water, which can lead to mineral deposits. Empty the reservoir if you don’t iron frequently.
  2. Use a pressing cloth – This protects your iron from picking up residues from your fabrics or adhesives.
  3. Store the iron with the soleplate facing up – This prevents scratches and unnecessary wear on the soleplate.
  4. Wipe it down after each use – Once it’s cool, use a microfiber cloth to remove any surface residue.
  5. Ensure proper cord storage – Make sure the cord isn’t tangled or rubbing against anything that might cause damage.

How to Clean the Soleplate

The soleplate of your iron is crucial for smooth pressing. To keep it clean without scratching, try these methods:

  1. Vinegar solution – Fill a spray bottle with ½ cup of distilled vinegar. Spray onto a microfiber cloth and wipe the soleplate of the cool iron. For tougher stains, saturate the cloth, place the iron on it for 10 minutes, and wipe clean.
  2. Baking soda paste – Mix baking soda with water to form a paste, and gently scrub the soleplate. If stains persist, add a little vinegar to the mix.
  3. Commercial iron cleaners – Available for tougher cleaning jobs, these products often work on a hot iron. Always follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging your iron.
  4. Removing wax or crayon – If your iron comes into contact with wax or crayon, you can remove the residue by ironing over a brown paper bag or newspaper.

Here's a list of some cleaning products we've used and recommend!

Cleaning the Reservoir & Vents

If your iron isn’t producing steam or is leaving rust-colored spots, the reservoir and vents likely need a deep clean:

  1. Vinegar and water mix – Combine ½ cup of distilled vinegar with ½ cup of distilled water. Fill the reservoir of a cool iron with the mixture.
  2. Clean the vents – Use a cloth or toothbrush to clean the vents before heating the iron for about 5 minutes.
  3. Steam clean – Hold the steam button down for 30 seconds until steam flows freely, repeating 5-6 times. Then unplug the iron and empty the reservoir once it’s cool.

Happy Pressing!

By following these steps, your iron will stay in great condition, ensuring your fabrics always look their best!

But, if your iron has seen better days and you're ready to welcome home a new one... we won't judge you there either! ;) Click here to see all the irons we carry!

August 29, 2024 — Jessica Smith

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