MGQS Exclusive Retractable Leather Tape Measure

$4.99 $8.99

An MGQS exclusive leather tape measure in fun girlfriend green! This embossed leather tape measure is perfect for your sewing room, purse, or anywhere. Simply pull on the green leather tab to extend, the tape measure will lock in place, then push the center button to retract.

Full length: 60 inches

We have more girlfriend exclusive notions!

8" Scissors

5" Scissors 

4" Scissors 

3" x 12" Ruler 

2.5" x 6" Ruler 

Seam Ripper

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
One for me, one for my friend

When the tape measures went on sale, I couldn't resist the opportunity to get one for my bag and one to send to my friend. They work great and are a very handy size!

Uriah J Shaw

I love my little green tape measure. Small enough to go anywhere and big enough to handle the job!
Most importantly, my souvenir to myself from my first TUGG 2024.