So, you've finished piecing together your quilt top but you'd like to make it a *tad* bigger... how do you go about adding borders to your quilt without pulling your hair out in frustration? Fear not, dear quilter, for we have some tips and tricks to make the process a breeze! Read on to learn how to easily add borders to any quilt!

Perfect Day Quilt (37" x 41")


  1. Press quilt top well.
  2. Measure quilt VERTICALLY in 3 places: 
    1. Top to bottom LEFT
    2. Top to bottom RIGHT
    3. Top to bottom CENTER
  3. Write down these measurements.
  4. With those 3 measurements, take the average by adding all 3 numbers together and dividing by 3.
    EX) Left: 75.5" Right: 75" Center: 75.25" = 225.75" Divide by 3 = 75.25"
  5. Cut both SIDE BORDERS to be 75.25" in length.
  6. Find center of each side of quilt by folding in half and finger pressing.
  7. Find center of each border strip by folding in half and finger pressing. 
  8. Place a pin at each center. 
  9. Place a pin at each end (the top and bottom).
  10. Pin in between, easing the seams.
  11. Sew the side borders on. 
  12. Repeat these same steps, but this time going the opposite direction; now measuring, cutting, pinning, and sewing horizontally.


That's it! You can use these same steps for any project you'd like to add borders to! These extra steps in measuring first and then cutting will take some additional time, however you'll be so grateful you did! No more wave and "overly-friendly" borders! Wink, wink! ;)

Click here for our FREE download of these steps that you can print off to refer back to!

August 01, 2024 — Jessica Smith

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